The Mindfulness Incubator Blog

How can AI tools like ChatGPT help us live with more ease? tech tools Feb 04, 2023

Mindfulness Incubator’s mission is to help you live with more intention and ease. It often feels like life is rigged to drive busyness, stress, and overloaded schedules. That’s why we’re always looking for new ways to create space for what truly matters. 

Technology can sometimes feel like a foe in...

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7 Career Resolutions - Be your best professional self in 2023 career resolutions Jan 08, 2023

As we turn the corner on the first week of 2023, many of us are still thinking about our hopes and dreams for the year ahead. According to Statista, about 39% of Americans set resolutions in 2022. In 2023, the resolutions we most often intend to make are focused on living healthier lifestyles (like ...

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Why Resolutions Fail - Avoid Pitfalls & Focus on Small Wins goal setting resolutions Dec 30, 2022

As we prepare to welcome a shiny new year, we can take the opportunity to think about our goals, our habits, and take stock of our lives. We’ve talked about the power and importance of awareness and goal setting in prior posts. After all, if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you ...

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Encore - Our FAVORITE Holiday Resources Part 2 holiday holiday activities holidays mindful holiday Dec 21, 2022

Welcome back for our second edition of our FAVORITE Holiday Resources (Part 2). If you missed Part 1, check out last week’s blog post here. In it, we covered:

  • Resources to get ready to go “out of the office” and set yourself up for success when you get back
  • Tools to help you notice when you’re i...
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Our FAVORITE Holiday Resources Part 1 holiday Dec 10, 2022

The Holidays are right around the corner. To celebrate, we are rounding up some of our favorite “getting ready for the holidays” posts and resources to get you in the spirit of the season, without feeling overwhelmed. 

In today’s post:

  • How to get ready to go “Out of Office”, and set yourself up ...
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Mindful Shopping & Gift Giving 2022 holiday gift guide Nov 19, 2022

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. If you haven’t yet, check out our two Thanksgiving focused blog posts: Thankful for Boundaries this Thanksgiving, and Four Practices & Rituals for Better Time Off.

On the heels of a holiday focused on connection and gratitude comes some of the biggest shoppi...

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Thankful for Boundaries this Thanksgiving holidays time boundaries Nov 05, 2022

In just a few weeks, 62% of Americans will be celebrating Thanksgiving, the most important national holiday of the year in the US (at least, according to Statista). 

Holiday celebrations of all kinds can be a source of comfort and joy, including wonderful opportunities to connect with loved ones, h...

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Overwhelm 911 - The science of overwhelm & what to do about it overwhelm Oct 29, 2022

It’s Friday night. You’ve had a long week. One of those where you barely have time to think. Every day has been back to back meetings. You're desperately trying to keep up with your inbox and your to-dos. Everything is piling up. You’re tired, wound up. Even your body feels tight. You finally find y...

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Create more space this week in 3 steps overwhelm time Oct 16, 2022

Do you start the week feeling like you're already out of time? The to-do list overflows, and as the week progresses you try to pack even more in, without taking anything out. How often do we try to put our head down and push through? 

Here are three things you can do to set yourself up for a week w...

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Happy Birthday Mindfulness Incubator!! Oct 01, 2022

This week, Mindfulness Incubator turns ONE! And what a year it has been! In that time, we have published 40 blog posts (41 if you include this one!), hosted two FABULOUS retreats (our second one just wrapped two weeks ago!), and created many resources to help our community (that’s you!) have a bit m...

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Resilience 101 - Mindfulness for Resilience mindfulness resilience Sep 18, 2022

And just like that, we’ve reached our last entry in the Resilience 101 Series, featuring different skills and practices that you can build to increase your resilience. If you missed any of them, make sure you check them out:

  1. Resilience 101: Journaling as a coping and inspiration tool
  2. Resilience ...
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Resilience 101 - Physical health: food, hydration, sleep and movement physical health resilience Sep 11, 2022

We are delighted to share our fifth post of the Resilience 101 Series, featuring different skills and practices that you can build to increase your resilience. If you missed any of them, make sure you check them out:

  1. Resilience 101: Journaling as a coping and inspiration tool
  2. Resilience 101: Med...
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