The Mindfulness Incubator Blog

Mental Load: Understand it, Manage it, Reduce it mental load May 17, 2022

Have you heard the term “mental load”? 

BetterUp’s definition resonates: mental load is “the cognitive effort involved in managing your work, relationships, a family, and a household”. 

Mental load is the responsibility of keeping things running (hopefully) smoothly, of noticing, of reminding, or ...

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The Magic of MVPs: Minimum Viable Priorities May 10, 2022

When you read “MVP”, what comes to mind? 

If you’re a big sports fan, maybe it’s “Most Valuable Player”, an honor given to one single player for displaying “game changing excellence”. 

For those in the tech world, MVP might stand for “Minimum Viable Product”, a concept first discussed in 2009’s Le...

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Awareness : A game changer in life & work awareness May 03, 2022

A new episode of the Working Mom Hour Podcast launched last week, called Showing Up Mindfully When Everything Sucks. The episode features a frequent Mindfulness Incubator contributor (and upcoming retreat host) in a vulnerable conversation focused on how Mindfulness helps us endure when we are facin...

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Nail hard conversations - Tools for giving and receiving difficult feedback feedback tough conversations Apr 26, 2022

If you have ever managed people, interacted with colleagues, or been an employee, then it’s likely that at some point you’ve had to have a difficult conversation. 

Maybe you’ve found yourself on the receiving end of feedback that was hard to hear. Or it was outrageous, you straight up disagreed wit...

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Our very favorite Mindfulness Incubator posts, tips & tools Apr 19, 2022

Last week was Mindfulness Incubator’s 20th blog post, and we’re also celebrating six months since our first post launched!

To celebrate, we are revisiting our favorite blog posts so far. Many of them include downloadable guides, resources and workbooks. If you haven’t already, check them out!



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Boost your resilience: Four strategies to manage your workload at home and at work boundaries resilience Apr 12, 2022

Last week, a new episode of the Leading Women in Tech podcast was released, called The Importance of Developing Resilience. The episode features a frequent Mindfulness Incubator contributor (and upcoming retreat host), it’s a super fun conversation, check it out!

Today’s blog post recaps and expand...

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Skill building: Better focus. Better breaks. breaks flow focus Mar 29, 2022

Today’s post focuses on two related but complementary concepts: Focus and Breaks. Both are essential to productivity and effectiveness. Both are also essential to wellbeing. To introduce them, let’s talk about the Pomodoro Technique. 

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management technique first deve...

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Coping with Grief grief Mar 22, 2022

Grief: deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement


Lauren Herschel captured grief in a viral twitter thread in 2017, and it remains one of the best descriptions of the grief experience we have seen: The Ball in a Box Analogy. It goes like this: There’s a box with ...

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Experiment with choosing Joy happiness joy Mar 15, 2022

At Mindfulness Incubator, our blog posts, articles and resources often follow our lives. We write about what we need to learn, what we need to grow, what we need to practice. We use the opportunity to develop new perspectives on the world, to run experiments in our lives and explore new strategies t...

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Busyness Busting: Say yes to say no busy busting priorities Mar 08, 2022

In this 2012 research, “40% of working mothers and 34% of working fathers say they always

feel rushed”.

Being “Time Poor” is one way we describe this phenomenon of being constantly rushed and hurried. Unfortunately, those who are time poor have a cluster of less than ideal outcomes: they are less ...

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The Mindful Shopping List - Products that actually make life better favorite things mindful shopping Mar 01, 2022

The days are gradually getting longer, there’s a little bit more sunshine. Whispers of spring cleaning and organization are in the air!

Are you looking up to freshen up your home? Or are you wondering if you’re missing out on some products that could legitimately make a difference in your quality o...

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Morning Routines - The magic of starting your days off with intention morning routine Feb 22, 2022

What do the first few hours of your day look like? 

Do you wake up feeling like you’re already behind? Are they a mad dash to get everyone out the door? Are you already exhausted and defeated by the frantic chaos of getting everyone ready and out the door? 

There has to be a better way right?


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